Скачать бесплатно: Knockout Blur Text Effect 

Knockout Blur Text Effect
Switch the focus on something you need everyone to notice first in the composition by blurring the rest of the setting. It can be easily done with the knockout text effect we've prepared for you!
Working both as a text and photo effect all in one, it casts the blur overlay to your artboard. Experiment with the background photo to make the "cut" lettering stand out even more. The effect is perfect for producing epic covers, social media posts, posters, ads and website banners!
Switch the focus on something you need everyone to notice first in the composition by blurring the rest of the setting. It can be easily done with the knockout text effect we've prepared for you!
Working both as a text and photo effect all in one, it casts the blur overlay to your artboard. Experiment with the background photo to make the "cut" lettering stand out even more. The effect is perfect for producing epic covers, social media posts, posters, ads and website banners!
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К вашему вниманию представлена работа Knockout Blur Text Effect только для ознакомительных целей. На момент публикации все ссылки для скачивания работы Knockout Blur Text Effect были рабочие. Если вы обнаружили битую ссылку, просьба отписать в комментариях или сообщить об ошибке нажав на соответствующую иконку 

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