Скачать бесплатно: Curved Halftone Effect - LFYTL47
Curved Halftone Effect - LFYTL47
Curved Halftone Effect
Professional Photoshop Actions for photographers and graphic designers
This pack compatible with all photoshop CC versions and Higher
Get that beautiful aesthetic look that you always wanted for your photo posts ,or style, that will give your photos a perfect results with only a simple click
This pack is everything you need to edit your blogger’s photos and take your game or everyday photos to the next level
Easy to use, you have a text that will help you install the presets
Files Included:
1 Action .ATN file
1 Help .txt file
Professional Photoshop Actions for photographers and graphic designers
This pack compatible with all photoshop CC versions and Higher
Get that beautiful aesthetic look that you always wanted for your photo posts ,or style, that will give your photos a perfect results with only a simple click
This pack is everything you need to edit your blogger’s photos and take your game or everyday photos to the next level
Easy to use, you have a text that will help you install the presets
Files Included:
1 Action .ATN file
1 Help .txt file
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Дата: 29-06-2023, 21:12 | Опубликовал: wertyozka | Просмотров: 252 | Комментарии (0)
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